数据库为 sqlite3
表结构为 tblTask(ID int,TaskName varchar(20),ActionDate datetime)
问:sqlite 通过ActionDate 取季度 的 sql怎么写?
取年份: select * from tblTask where strftime('%Y',ActionDate)='2011' --2011年
取月份: select * from tblTask where strftime('%m',ActionDate)='09'; -- 9月份
select ActionDate
,round(strftime('%d',ActionDate)/7.0+ 0.495 ) as Week -- 当月第几周
,strftime('%m',ActionDate) AS Month -- 月份
,round(strftime('%m',ActionDate)/3.0 + 0.495) as Season --季度
,strftime('%Y',ActionDate) as Year -- 年份
from tblTask
用strftime 函数
%d 日期, 01-31
%f 小数形式的秒,SS.SSS
%H 小时, 00-23
%j 算出某一天是该年的第几天,001-366
%m 月份,00-12
%M 分钟, 00-59
%s 从1970年1月1日到现在的秒数
%S 秒, 00-59
%w 星期, 0-6 (0是星期天)
%W 算出某一天属于该年的第几周, 01-53
%Y 年, YYYY
%% 百分号
select * from tblWord where strftime("%d",updatedate)='26' 表示查询日期为26的数据。比如2012-9-26
SELECT julianday('now') - julianday('1776-07-04'); 表示1776-7-4 距离今天有多少天
select cast(27.33 as int) -- 27
select cast(23.83 as int) -- 24
select round(23.83,0) -- 24
select round(23.8342367,4) -- 23.8342
select round(23.83,4) --23.83
(0<=cast((julianday('now') - julianday(Updatedate)) as int) and 7>=cast((julianday('now') - julianday(Updatedate)) as int)) as Latest1Week -- 最近1周
,(0<=cast((julianday('now') - julianday(Updatedate)) as int) and 31>=cast((julianday('now') - julianday(Updatedate)) as int)) as Latest1Month -- 最近1个月
,(0<=cast((julianday('now') - julianday(Updatedate)) as int) and 93>=cast((julianday('now') - julianday(Updatedate)) as int)) as Latest3Month -- 最近3个月
,(0<=cast((julianday('now') - julianday(Updatedate)) as int) and 365>=cast((julianday('now') - julianday(Updatedate)) as int)) as Latest1Year -- 最近1年
from tblWord
select strftime('%d',S.[RECEIP_CREATE_DATE]) as day,sum(S.[RECEIPT_RECEIVED_MONEY] ) as sumSales from SALES_RECEIPT_INFO S WHERE strftime('%m',S.[RECEIP_CREATE_DATE])='"+month+"' group by strftime('%d',S.[RECEIP_CREATE_DATE])